No card today, but I am so excited about a very short and unexpected visit my husband, our eldest son, Tiaan, and myself had to Cape Town today, I would love to share it with you guys!!!!!
Tiaan was in his final year at high school (matric), in 2017 and during Oct and Nov he wrote his final high school exams as set up by the national Department of Education. He achieved excellent marks in all his subjects and got the 2nd highest mark in his school!!!!! (....may I say that 98% for both Maths and Physical Science is not bad?????!!!!! .....somewhat better than mom's marks at school!!!! LOL!!!!! glad our boys take after their father!!!!! LOL!!!!!!) On Sunday morning Tiaan received a phone call from one of the members of the Western Cape Province Department of Education inviting us to attend the function where the top performers in the Western Cape Province are announced!!!!!! We could not believe it!!!! So we traveled to Cape Town yesterday afternoon, stayed over in a hotel last night and attended the prestigious function at the Western Cape Premier's residence, Leeuwenhof, this morning!!!! It was such a great honour to be there and Tiaan will definitely never forget this day!!!!! The Wester Cape Premier, mrs, Helen Zille as well as the Western Cape Minister of Education and lots of other people from the Department of Education were there!!!! Definitely this is an event where one has to take lots of photo's!!!!!!
Apologies for the poor quality of the photo's - it was taken with cellphones.
Me and Tiaan in the hotel before leaving to attend the function:
Tiaan and his father on the lawn where we parked at the venue:
In the background you can see the beautiful residence of the premier at the foot of Table Mountain.
Tiaan receiving his ceritficate from the premier.
On his right is mrs Zille, the premier and on his left is the Minister of Education:
Tiaan, mrs Zille and the top performer at the Outeniqua High School, Emma Nel.
The three of us with mrs, Zille:
And how could I not ask to be photographed with mrs Zille!!!!!!
What a great time we had!!!!!! We returned to George after the function and were happy to arrive home safely this evening!!!!!
Thank you so much for spending some time with me!!!!!! Till next time!!!!
Wow, Petra ... such a proud moment for Tiaan (congratulations to him) ... and for you and your DH! He must have worked so hard to achieve such awesome results ... no doubt a great future awaits him! Great photo's ... so many happy, smiling faces! Hugs, Anita :)
Wauw Petra, ik kan me indenken dat dat heel speciaal en bijzonder was! Een dag met een gouden randje, zeggen wij hier. Dat vergeten jullie nooit meer.
Mooie foto's!
Nu nagenieten.
WOW!! Many, many congratulations to Tiaan for such an amazing achievement!! How thrilling for you all! Thank you for sharing such a 'feel good' story with us and for showing us all the wonderful pictures . . . no wonder you are a proud mama! Have a lovely evening my friend! Love & Hugs. Hazel xx
My Card Attic
Congrats to your son! High achievement for sure :)
Fantasties! Voorwaar rede om trots te wees. Voorspoed vir julle gesin en in besonder vir Tiaan wat sy studies gaan begin!
Petra, it's so good to read a post from you! What a handsome boy you have... and smart too! Congratulations to him and to you guys raising such an accomplished young man! :)
Is het niet genieten als de kinderen het zo ongelooflijk goed doen?
Ik word er altijd heel emotioneel van en denk dan "is dat echt mijn kind dat daar in het zonnetje gezet wordt??". Een fantastische prestatie van Tiaan maar volgens mij komen er nog veel meer van deze topdagen met zo'n bolleboos in de familie!
Een mooier verjaardagscadeau had je niet kunnen krijgen! (Hoop dat de post op tijd komt!!).
xx Irene
Petra! congratulations to your handsome boy! What a proud moment for you and your husband - please do take SOME of the credit!! Who kept his brain well nourished? xoxo
Congratulations! There is no better feeling than pride in your children's achievements! Well done to Tiaan.
Congratulations to Tiaan, Petra, and to you as his parents! I can feel how proud you are and rightly so! Thank you for coming by and wishing me the best with Twofer! Hope to see you playing!! Hugs, Darnell
Congratulations to both you and your Son Petra. What an honour indeed
Wat een prachtige dag hebben jullie gehad !
Geniet er nog van !
Wat zullen jullie trots zijn Petra! En terecht!! Een topprestatie en een prachtige dag. Proficiat!!
How wonderful for you as a family, and a day Tiaan will always remember after such a great achievement. He is a real credit to you and will have a very bright future I'm sure. Love the photos and Table Mountain in the background with a beautifully sunny day. Super! TFS. x
Baie baie geluk Petra. Wat 'n eer en wonderlike prestasie. Julle mag maar baie trotse ouers wees met die seen van so 'n talentvolle seun.
Mooi bly
{Doing Life – my personal blog}
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